Wednesday, June 24, 2009

And we're off...

Okay, not literally. The flight doesn't leave for several more hours, but all of my packing is done and now that I got a haircut (yay), I'm ready to go. :) Here's hoping I packed everything but not too much...

Every time I fly, I'm always reminded of one trip I made with my sister from Memphis, TN to Orlando. On that leg of our journey, the captain was pretty cheesy with singing, jokes, and quotes as we waited to take off and then throughout the flight. He kept quoting (repeating) one poem in particular by John Gillespie Magee, Jr. that unfortunately, thanks to his continuous repetition, now always comes to mind whenever I fly anywhere. So, to borrow from Mr. Magee's "High Flight," in a couple of hours, we will have "slipped the surly bonds of earth and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings..."It's still very unreal to me, but today begins my trip of a lifetime. :)


  1. yay!!!! I'm so excited for you! I know you and Robin will have an amazing time!! Take lots of pictures, and bring me back something awesome!!!!

  2. have a safe trip! we miss you already .. especially Becky. :)
