Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A digital film and a family connection

I devoted several pre-departure posts to pondering potential destinations for my free weekend in England. As an undergrad English major, I had lots of literary-related options, most of which unfortunately got ruled out. In the end, the family connections won out and I traveled solo to Devon and a tiny village called Chagford. I took oodles of pictures while there, but to commemorate the experience of seeing the village and area, at least, where my ancestors lived some fourteen generations ago, I wanted to film my journey as well. The following is a short digital film I created of my journey to Chagford and what I found there.

Family Connections: My Journey to Find Chagford and Family Roots
by Stephanie Brown

This digital film is 21.5 MB and runs approximately 2:54. I created this film using Windows Movie Maker with background audio adapted from Photo Story 3.

Although my time there was pretty brief overall and the transportation en route was an adventure in and of itself, going to Chagford is an experience I'll never forget. The contrasts between sleepy Chagford and bustling London were a huge surprise, but it was a pleasant little getaway, and finding family connections made the whole trip worthwhile. :)


  1. Another great movie! The countryside of Devon is beautiful. I really wish I could have been there with you. How cool to visit a place so strongly connected to our ancestry! :)

  2. Stephanie! How cool! I wondered about your trip, and it looks like you summed it up right here. Thanks for sharing.

  3. How neat! I would love to make it to England sometime to see where the Endicott's began. :) Thanks for taking the time to share your experience.

  4. Hi, Stephanie! I just had a chance to watch your video... well done, and neat to see that you made some connections. Way to branch out alone. You're brave!!

  5. This gave me chills, Stephanie. How brave of you to venture of on your own in search of your ancestry. I'm so glad you found what you were looking for!

  6. Thanks everyone for the comments! It was really neat to be able to go to Chagford and find so much Endicott stuff (although that's apparently the American spelling vs. the English options of Endacott or Endecott). One funny quirk I discovered while there is that the English Endicotts are all super tall (as in 6'7" average for the guys), which is so not the case on our side. :)

    It would've been more fun to have more family with me, but I'm glad I got to go, and it was an eye-opening experience in solo travel. :)
